Weathernerds RAP Data

Click hour, then
press Enter to update,
or click 'Update Plot'

GIF Settings
Start Hour: End Hour:
Interval (h): Speed (fps):

Turn labels on/off
City Values:  
Lat/Lon Grid:  
Note: City values/Interstates only appear
when zoomed in sufficiently; click
'Update Plot' for changes to take effect

Enter key: Update Plot
Left Arrow: Prev Fcst Hour
Right Arrow: Next Fcst Hour
"c" key: Get Cross Section
"m" key: Switch Cross/Zoom Mode
"o" key: Overlay Toggle
"s" key: Get Sounding
"t" key: Get Time-Height Section

Most Recent
RAP data
Fhour: 000


Draw box on map,
then click this button
Start Hour:
End Hour:
Interval (h):
Click point on map,
then click this button
End Hour:
Click point on map,
then click this button

NOTE: The RAP goes out to 39 h for the 03, 09, 15, and 21 Z cycles, otherwise it goes out to 21 h.